我覺得…你真的要打算一下萬一宿舍計劃不成功的後路!!也要計劃一下,你還要忍到什麼時候? 說真的,我覺得他真的老鳳要你就她的樣子,你打了那麼長篇的,他竟然說一句難受,再反而問你一句有沒有站在他的立場想? 天呀!!他完全當自己永遠是對的,他的立場就是一切?他真的完全當你沒立場呢!!!這樣的神人你真的覺得可以同住? 真的可以忍他? 你是有選擇的權力的! 你自己也要理一下自己的感受! 責任你已經負了,他到時會變成怎樣也是他自己的決定,你到時不要再去想什麼補救方法了,看開一些吧~隨了他之外,你還是可以交其他朋友的。還有,說什麼之前跟你說的做了,之後不好受要做回自己那樣…難道他不是怪你勸他了?他要繼續豎敵的時候,到被人杯的時候,你就當自己不是他的什麼人好了,為他勞心那麼多會反被他罵你麻煩的…到時,自己不要出聲,保身好過了。正所謂面係人地比的,假係自己丟的,他到了今時今日,咁大個人,你都唔會幫到d咩ga喇~= =我係衰人來的,講o左咁多次,心淡啦~
To that person,
Your right is given by the rules, if you break the rules, no right you should have. Don't you know that there is the flag blog system in Blogger? Everyone who is feeling bad with your blog can press the button and report it to blogspot. I think blogger is not suitable for you! Please find another blog that have password for your own privacy! You are the one who should not blaming people to see your secret when you put your blog in public. You have chosen to show everyone your secret, with opportunity not to do so. If you just keep it in privacy, no one can gossip or discuss! It is just simple! But you made it difficult and complex! As QQ said, sometimes you are really stupid.
Furthermore, I think you should clear your mind that your reasons are not reasons but excuses. The main causer of gossip is you!! Not anyone else! So many issues occurs, so many things that you said, people can see and give they own conclusion of that person(you). That's the reason people have bad image with you and won't stand with you. You have been label as a rash, impolite and selfish person.
This is my last blog about you. I have had enough for that!